If you are an artist, painter, photographer, designer or sculptor, and wish to upload your work on this site, please follow the 6 steps below:

  1. Registration: Go to to our Login page and register, then confirm your email. Karel will be in touch to review your creations and confirm if this site is an appropriate platform. If successful, you will recieve an email with a temporary password.
  2. Categories: Choose the category your product will fit in, namely, Paintings, Photographs, Prints, Drawings, Sculptures, Designer-made objects
  3. Upload photo: make sure it fits the size and resolution guidelines
  4. Caption: Fill in the form with your product details such as price, weight, artist’s name, size etc.
    Add as many tags as necessary
  5. Save the page: this will upload your product instantly 
  6. Remember to advertise your shop to your social networks and on social media

If you need advice, please contact:


Online tutorial to upload a painting or an object: 

Online tutorial to upload a photograph: 

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